Tuesday, February 25, 2003

So, it looks like there are several pumpkins, over 800 lbs, that contributed to your seed stock . And the Eaton did not make the
biggest pumpkin? Is this typical?
What is more important, the lineage or the effort put into making them grow? I know you will say both but if you had to pick one, what would it be?
As far as the auction, I am curiuos how it works. I thought the seeds had to be given away? Mike

Mike - Good genetics are the leg up you count on, before you even germinate your seeds.
What you do after germination is 90% of the equation.

As far as free seeds - you're right. But most of these auctions will show a
thank you to Howard Dill for allowing them to raise money for their pumpkin
organization (non-profit, of course) by offering AG seeds. Howard Dill has
always been extremely generous in this regard in an sportsmanship that
promotes the sport/hobby of growing giants.

Good questions.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Extra, Extra, Bid all about it!
Check out this website for an upcoming online seed auction, Saturday March 1st at 6pm mst.


I've been surfing around at the pumpkin sights. Now I am curiuos about
the lineage of your seeds. What can you tell me? Mike

Mike emailed me and brought up a whole other realm of raising giant pumpkins, and that is the seed lineage. I have a family tree for all the pumpkins I've grown and for the seeds I give away. If you are curious about your seeds pedigree - send me an email and what seeds you have and I'll provide the last 3 generations. Easy enough!