Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Wanna see one person's Labor of Love?

Check out this website and see the pumpkin patch preparation already in the works for this season!

And the Dillon, MT contingent has grown in strength...I've sent out the second bundle of seeds to Dillon.

Go Dillon Go!

And keep us posted, too.

Miss Kim:

When you discussed germination between layers of wet(damp) paper
towels, you mentioned heat. Basically, you said get it just right, not too
cool and not too hot. Do we have to guess, or is there a suggested temp
range which we should try to attain, such as in an incubator for birds?
Thanks. Don


I've found that a temperature between 80 - 90 degrees works best. I use a heating pad under a few insulating layers of towels, all housed in a cooler with the lid closed. I do keep a thermometer in there too, right next to the seeds,
and check it often.

The most critical and sometimes difficult part of raising Atlantic Giants is
the germination stage. Several people have told me they didn't know to do
anything special and had 100% germination right out of a pot of cold dirt; while
others had 0% even with extra care. So, follow the directions I sent with
the seeds as best you can (I agree, the newsletter I'd forwarded
on to you was vague).

Good Luck, and keep me posted.

And thanks for asking.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

"Who can grow the Biggest Pumpkin in Dillon???"

I expect there will be great interest with the folks here.

Might have to start a Dillon chapter of 'Giant Pumpkins

Dillon grower, Laurie, has put out the challenge to fellow gardeners in her area!
Way to go Laurie!!

How can I get some of the seeds? How much does it cost?
Does it cost to
enter the weigh-off contest?

Thanks for asking, Tammy, (and Lynne, and Helen)

I can supply you with seeds, and they are free! You have a few options to get them:

(1) Go to the Ravalli County Fairgrounds office during regular business hours ( I keep them supplied) or,

(2) Send me a self addressed, stamped (3 stamps please), bubble pack envelope (or drop it off in my mailbox) and I will return them to you pronto.

Giant Pumpkins, 835 Orchard Dr., Hamilton, MT 59840

Now is the time to start thinking about starting your seeds. It's best if they can go out into the garden, with good protection, as soon as they're about 15 -20 days old. Of course it is best to start them in a large 1-2 gallon pot so as not to overcrowd the roots before they're put outside. I provide a flyer with lots of this same information with each seed packet, too.

Always feel free to email any questions and I'll post the answers on this web log. Visit this site for other's questions and answers as well. Hope this helps.

I'll probably start some seeds this weekend, and more next weekend.

Also, there will be a "Parent's Expo" this weekend (4/26/03) at the Hamilton High School, starting at 9am where you can plant seeds in peat pots and take them home - at the Homestead Organics booth.
Check it out!

Read on below regarding the Ravalli County Fair's weigh off as well as our

2nd Annual Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off

to be held at the Cornfield Maze on Sept. 20th. More details will be posted here about the registration and times. Fee for entering a pumpkin will be in the $5 range.

I am the sole organizer of this event. I am desperate for some helpers for pre-event organization, set up, break down, and general event-day help; then some follow-up post-event "office-type" work. All I can offer is free entry to anyone willing to chip in.

Also, any help with generating donations, gift-certificates, or sponsorships will make the whole event a GIANT success! I expect there will be at least three times more participants this year than last. I have several ideas for other contests and "harvest" activities for kids and/or adults, if someone else wanted to take on a project.

Contact me, please.

And thanks.

Remember: Grow 'em BIG!