Sunday, October 27, 2002

Good Question Bill!

I recently heard from Bill, who would like to get some seeds for 2003. He asks how and where does he get them. There are several seed vendor catalogs that offer Atlantic Giant Seeds and even tell genetics behind their seeds. That is, how big was the pumpkin that produced their seed as well as the parents of that pumpkin (which is more important for choosing your seed). A few of these seed companies are P & P Seeds and Dill's Atlantic Giants.

If you are new to growing Atlantic Giants here in Montana, I would be happy to provide you with seeds I've collected from other growers and from my own pumpkins. FREE!!!
If you would like some of my seed stock, please send me a SASBP. That is, a Self Addressed Stamped Bubble Pack. Bubble Pack envelope, or padded envelope, or a common envelope with a fold of bubble wrap enclosed. Two stamps ought to cover the postage, and I'll return it to you once I have dried and sorted my seeds from this season. I promise to have the seeds to you by March, well before the seed starting/growing season.

Of course my seed stock is first come, first served, until my supply runs out.



Send your SASBP to:

Giant Pumpkins
835 Orchard Dr.
Hamilton, MT

Thanks for the good question Bill.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

The results are in!

We had a fantastic albeit quick weekend in Seattle.
Drove 1100 miles round trip and our personal best shows no sign of wear and tear!
Of 19 participants at the Central Market Weigh Off, ranging from 92lbs to 1058lbs, we placed 16th with our 406lb-er. No shame here. It was all I'd hoped for with the friendliest folks you could imagine. I took lots of notes on how to improve our weigh off next year and look forward to any thoughts or ideas from you folks.

Considerations like: An Organic Class, A Novice Class (1st time competing), A Youth Class, to name a few.
As a result of the article in the Ravalli Republic, several people have been sending me their SASBPs (self addressed, stamped(2 stamps), small bubble pack or padded envelope). Keep them coming - I will fill every request with several Atlantic Giant seeds.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Here's a good site to find a lot of the new records set this year.

For those of you that tried to "Guess the Weight" of the monster pumpkin on the spool table...the actual weight was 252lbs!!! Ben Schmidt of Missoula won the cash. Good eye, Ben! We'll see how you do next year.

Many of you may already know that Mike and I are going to bump elbows with some of the Heavy Hitters at the Central Market Weigh Off in Seattle this weekend. We are loading up our whopper that is still on the vine and gaining weight. We have no visions of grandeur but will be stunned if we can get close to the top 10 - HA! Mostly our mission is to glean information from the pros and see how other weigh off events are organized and run. We've had nothing but fantastic feedback and encouragement to go bigger!
Thanks to all the sponsors, participants, judges, volunteers, friends and mostly my family for unending encouragement and confidence.

Already I'm psyched for 2003!

Well done! You did it! Plus, 296 is nothing to sneeze at. I wish my pumpkin was pushing 300 pounds instead of 200 pounds!
I heard about the 1,337 pounder this morning. Wow. I can only hope for a monster like that.
Again, great job, Kim!

Thanks for all your hard work!! It was a lot of fun. Kiana and I are both excited about gettin a winner next year.

Now THAT is what pumpkin growing is all about...people excited just to be participating! They may not be the biggest, but congrats to all of you for your efforts in getting started on this great hobby!


Hello All -
Well it was a year in the making (in my own head, on my own computer) and I am very proud to announce the results of

The 1st Annual Bitterroot Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off!!

This was the year to reach out to the competitive spirit of the hobby
growers in our community and inflict them with Giant Pumpkin Fever!

With 3 major hail storms and a frost each month of the growing season, most growers were hard pressed to even produce one fruit...
but we've planted the seed(s) for some stiff competition for years to come.

A 1st time Montana State record has been set!

Clarence Fogel, 180#

The rest of the field results:
Open Competition Class
Place Name Weight
1. Clarence Fogel 180#
2. Andrea Morgan 93#
3. Andrea Morgan 87#
4. Cindy King 45#
5. Kiana Ballek 15#

Open Exhibition Class
Place Name Weight
1. Kim Thomas 296#
2. Kim Thomas 212#
3. Kim Thomas 199#
4. Larry Peterman 149#
5. Ben Schmidt 33#
6. Andrea Schmidt 4#
7. Dana Lawrence 2#

Friday, October 04, 2002

Excellent Question from an inquisitive future grower...

I received an email from a person asking

how does this "BLOG" thing actually work?

Whenever someone has a pumpkin related question for me or the growers checking this site,
all they do is email me,

I then research the answer from tons of archived information on the internet, or answer from personal experience. I'll post both the question and the best information/answer, or link. I encourage others to chime in and email their responses and experiences too. These will be posted as well.

So, don't feel alone if you don't know where to find Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds, or can't get a blossom to pollinate, or find the right fertilizer ---- there will be others wanting and offering the same information.

I would like to have a website with an easier and quicker method to share, including photos, someday. If anyone wants to rise to the challenge I'd be happy to hear from you.

Tomorrow is the BIG day! Hope to see you all at the
1st Annual Bitterroot Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off
12 noon at The Corn Field Maze.